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NEW LOOK! SEND Local Offer Newsletter Summer 2024 (Issue 35) - Click here to view the newsletter




It’s here! The Summer edition of the new look SEND Local Offer Newsletter 2024. It’s packed with lots of information including blogs from:-


  • Blog - Jackie Perrin Autism Advisor
  • Blog - Joyshree Saikia, Community Engagement and Research Officer at Brighter Futures for Children
  • News items, what’s on/events available throughout the Summer holiday’s
  • Early Years – updates from the sector
  • What’s on, events and workshops
  • Preparing for adulthood – 16-25 updates
  • Short breaks, support services and much more…  please remember, this is just a snapshot of the wealth of information that can be found on the www.readingsendlocaloffer.org   


Please feel free to give us feedback on this latest edition, all suggestions are welcomed! If there are any topics you would like us to include in the next newsletter, please do let us know. We will continue to update the newsletter, as new events and activities are sent to us up until the end of August.


Information can also be found here SEND Local Offer - Newsletter | Reading Services Guide


Short Breaks for the Easter Holidays can be found here - SEND Short Breaks (all ability activities & overnight breaks) | Reading Services Guide

SEND Local Offer 16+ Guide - SEND Local Offer 16+ Guide | Reading Services Guide

Please keep visiting the SEND Local Offer for updates on local services www.readingsendlocaloffer.org



  • The national charity Contact have a number of virtual workshops for families of children with additional needs from finances, educational support and handling meetings effectively as a parent. See for more details Family workshops | Contact


  • The Reading Family Carers Card

Many people are family carers and support someone who relies on them to collect shopping, prescriptions and other essential items. You may not identify yourself as a carer because you are firstly a parent, a wife, husband, daughter, son, grandchild, friend or neighbour.

Reading Mencap have produced The Reading Family Carers Card it’s available to carers for FREE and it will identify you as a family carer in order to help shorten the time you might have to spend queueing for a shop, a pharmacy or even a health appointment. It is supported by Reading Borough Council.

Please click on the link below to the Reading Services Guide information page about the Reading Families Carers Card.



  • Reading Information, Advice & Support Service for SEND (Reading IASS) 

This service was formerly called the Parent Partnership Service. It offers free confidential and impartial advice and support to Reading parents and carers who have children (up to the age of 25) with special educational needs or disability. Here is a link to their website where you can find further information.          https://www.readingiass.org/                      


Reading Short Breaks funded by Brighter Futures for Children (BFfC)



Please click on the links below to view full information.


Places get booked quickly, therefore please get in touch with the short breaks provider if you would like to book a session as soon as possible.


Reading Directory | May Half Term - SEND Play Camp 5 to 10 years RFC Community Trust


Reading Directory | May Half Term - SEND Multi Sport Camps 28th/29th/30th May 2024 - Reading FC Community Trust


Reading Directory | May Half Term 2024- SEND Short Breaks - Reading Play


Reading Directory | SEND Short Breaks -Chance to Dance Stars CIC - Dance and Multi Activity Program (includes half terms & summer holidays)


Reading Directory | SEND Short Breaks - May Half Term 2024 - Make Sense Theatre



Holiday Activities and Food scheme (HAF)

Brighter Futures for Children co-ordinates the Holiday Activities and Food scheme on behalf of Reading Borough Council, funded by the Department for Education.

Please note: HAF registration is only open to children eligible for pupil premium free school meals.

Further information and booking details please click on the link Holiday Activities and Food scheme (HAF) - Brighter Futures For Children

Link to Short Breaks page Reading Directory | SEND Short Breaks (all ability activities & overnight breaks)

For parent carers who need information on childcare, holiday clubs, childminders etc for the school holiday – www.readingfis.org/childcare