Home Page

Useful School Information

Please follow these links to find useful information about school 

Contact Details: https://www.coleyprimary.reading.sch.uk/contact-details/


Reception Class Page: https://www.coleyprimary.reading.sch.uk/reception/

Visit this page to find further class information and examples of our homework grid. 


School Uniform: https://www.coleyprimary.reading.sch.uk/school-uniform/


Our School Values: https://www.coleyprimary.reading.sch.uk/our-school-values/


School Prospectus: School Prospectus and School Day


Special Educational Needs and Disabilities: https://www.coleyprimary.reading.sch.uk/special-educational-needs-and-disabilities/




Frequently Asked Questions


What will my child learn?

In Reception the curriculum is a mixture of play-based and structured activities. The children will have access to a wide range of learning opportunities that cover Communication and Language, Phonics, Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World, Expressive Arts and Design, Physical Development and Personal, Social and Emotional Education. Their learning will take place inside and outside and through a mixture of adult led and child initiated activities.


What time does school start and finish? Children need to be ready to enter their classroom at 8.30am and parents/carers need to be ready to collect their child at 3pm under current Covid restrictions. These times are subject to change, when restrictions are lifted. Please note that the times will be a little different for your child’s first few days at school, this is in order to help the children adjust to their new routine. You will receive details of these start and finish times.


Will my child get homework? Homework will be given out termly via email. Homework is presented as an activity grid where children get to choose an activity from each area. We recommend one activity is completed weekly.


Will my child wear a uniform? Children in Reception wear the school uniform. Please find details of our uniform here: https://www.coleyprimary.reading.sch.uk/school-uniform/


Will my child be given reading books to take home? Your child will be given two reading books to take home each week. The books will be matched to their reading ability. Please read with your child daily. The children will receive a reading record, which should be brought to school together with the book. In this record, the name of the book the child has borrowed will be recorded and parents should write a comment about how well their child has read at home. A plastic wallet is provided in order to keep books safe, please use this and help us keep our books in good condition. 


Does my child need a book bag? Children need to have a book bag to carry their reading books and work in. They need to bring the bag to school every day. The Coley Primary School book bag can be purchased from Stevensons.



Will my child have P.E. lessons? Yes. The children will be required to bring a P.E. kit that consists of a white top, black shorts or jogging bottoms, plimsolls or trainers. The P.E. clothes should be packed in a separate bag pack. Please note that ALL of your children’s clothes have to be labelled with your child’s name.


Will my child receive a snack/water at school? Your child will need to bring a small, healthy snack and water bottle to school every day. This is for break time. The Reception staff will provide water/milk and a piece of fruit in the afternoon.


How do I order a school lunch? The school’s admission team will send you details on how to use ParentPay, an online platform where you will be able to order lunch for your child.


Can I discuss my concerns or find out about my child’s progress? Reception staff are available to talk to you and answer any questions you might have either before or after school.