We started our day by visiting the 'Buggy Waiting Area' to display the posters we had designed. Zainab's was chosen first to be displayed in the stand and the others will be displayed in and around the area at different times throughout the year.
Today we were learning all about health issues. We had a workshop with Tessa Brunsden, the Community Alcohol Partnership Officer where we explored and discussed alcohol and risks/safety, alcohol and law and alcohol and health impacts. Did you know it is against the law to give anyone under the age of 5 alcohol? We learned lots from the session and are now much more aware of the health impacts of alcohol.
We then had a talk from Karen O'Leary the Care Lead at the hospital. She told us all about Young Carers and what they do. A 'Young Carer' is someone under the age of 18 who regularly helps look after someone in their family, or a friend, who is ill, disabled or misuses drugs or alcohol.
There are over 700,000 'Young Carers' in the UK. We had to think about all the different jobs a Young Carer might do and how this might impact them. Some of the things we thought of included, cooking, housework or shopping as well as maybe helping someone in and out of bed, personal care or helping someone get dressed.
Karen told us all about the support there is for 'Young Carers'.
Some of you might be a Young Carer and if you need any extra support or just someone to talk to, talk to your teacher or visit the websites below for useful information.
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