During their second visit to the hospital, the children had the opportunity to meet Richard from the trust's chaplaincy service. Richard explained that the chaplains are there for everyone, no matter what their diagnosis or faith is. They provide spiritual, pastoral, and religious care to patients, their families, and the hospital staff. The children learned that "spiritual" means connecting with what feels most important to you, "pastoral" means caring for someone's emotional needs, and "religious" means following beliefs about God or a higher power. After hearing this, the children sorted different statements into these three categories. After , the children were taken to the hospital chapel, where they were asked to discuss what they could see and how it made them feel sitting in the chapel.
The children had the chance to meet with occupational therapists, who explained their role in the hospital. An occupational therapist helps people do everyday tasks, like dressing, eating, and moving around, by teaching them new ways to do these things or by using special tools. The children were excited to try out some of the gadgets occupational therapists use to assist people in getting dressed and completing other daily activities. They also met a physiotherapist, who shared what her job involves—helping patients improve their movement and strength. The children took part in a range of activities, including balancing exercises, which are some of the fun and important tasks physiotherapists do with patients to help them recover and stay strong.
After lunch, the children went on a visit to the hospital radio station, the children were welcomed by Gerald, a volunteer who helps run the station. Split into two groups, the children went live on air, introducing the songs they had carefully chosen earlier in the week. Each child had the chance to dedicate their selected song to patients on Whitley Ward and Lions and Dolphins Ward, adding a personal touch to brighten the patients' day. It was an exciting experience for the children to hear their voices broadcast across the hospital!
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