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Junior Carers 2024-2025

Say 'Hello' to our Junior Carers

At Coley Primary, we are excited to join the Royal Berkshire Hospital’s Junior Carers programme again for 2024 - 2025! This special project, run by the NHS Foundation Trust, helps children learn about health topics and explore NHS careers. It also encourages us to become School Health Ambassadors.


Mrs. Sharon Herring, the Associate Chief Nurse, came to talk to Year 4 - Year 6 about the programme and shared some amazing facts about the NHS. Did you know there are over 350 different jobs in the NHS? Or that the NHS employs more than 1.4 million people, making it the biggest employer in the UK? We were amazed to learn so much!


We were amazed to receive 45 applications for just 12 places, showing how popular and exciting this opportunity is!


We loved reading all the applications, and after carefully choosing, we selected our new Junior Carers!

When picking, we looked for children who:

  • Are a good fit for the role
  • Understand what being a Junior Carer means
  • Want to help others
  • Show Coley values in how they act
  • Have big dreams for the future
  • Are responsible and organised
  • Are kind and eager to learn
  • Know a lot about the NHS and the different jobs it offers


Here are some snippets from our new Junior Carers:

Please explain why you would like to be a Junior Carer...

Adwita Y6

I would love to be a Junior Carer. I am kind, responsible and never miss a chance to learn. It is really important for me to know how to help people when having medical emergencies. Statistics show that 2 in 3 people don't know how to deal with seizures or other crisis. The Reading Chronicles states that 15, 636 people visited A and E just in March 2024. If more people knew what to do, the NHS would be a lot less crowded.


Hamza Y6

I want to be a Junior Carer because I am passionate about helping others and making a positive impact. This role allows me to provide essential support from experienced professionals.


Emaan Y5

The reason I want to become a Junior Carer is because when I am older I want to become a doctor, help sick people and make a change in the world.


Please draw something to do with the hospital

Abdullah Y6

Amayiah Y5

Please write about one of your school values and why it is important to you: BELONGING, RESPECT, CURIOSITY, HONESTY, COURAGE or PRIDE

Tunazzina Y6

In my opinion, I think HONESTY is really important in life because lying gets you nowhere in life and when you are honest you know that people can rely on you. Lying is a regretful decision because you will never learn the truth and later consequences occur.


Pritika Y6


Respecting others is important because it shows that we value them and their beliefs. It would create a positive and supportive environment for everyone. I feel respect is the first step in connecting with people.


Nouran Y5

If you didn't know- if you show respect and kindness, the world will be respectful to you. Honesty is also very important because liars can get in double trouble so it is always better to be honest.


Write anything else you would like us to know about you...

Anisa Y5

I am curious and confident. I like to explore and learn new things. I am also quite funny. I also want to say that I wanted to be a nurse since I was 5 years old so I think I need this experience so I can know better when I actually do the job.


Aayansh Y5

I am a little cheeky but also courageous and never afraid of new things. I take pride in my work, staying focused on every task. I am helpful, kind and always ready to lend a hand to my classmates.


Miriam Y6

I can co-operate well with other people and I love hearing what other people have to say. I can work as a group, making sure everyone has their turn to speak. It would mean a lot to me to have a part in this role and to be able to experience such a wonderful programme with other children. I feel that I have all the right abilities to be a good and reliable Junior Carer. Even if I don't get chosen, although I will be a little disappointed, I will be equally pleased for the people that do because they will be feeling as happy as I would have been. After reading this application, I hope you feel that I am good for the job as Junior Carer.



As Junior Carers, they'll have an exciting time learning about the amazing jobs people do in the NHS! Here are some of the things they might do:

  • Meet the Chief Executive and hear about how the hospital works.
  • Explore the Emergency Department and learn when we should use A&E.
  • Visit the Hospital Museum to see how healthcare has changed over time.
  • Watch the Pharmacy robot in action and learn how it helps.
  • Visit the Berkshire Cancer Centre to understand how people live with cancer.
  • Find out about heart health and even learn some resuscitation techniques.
  • Discover how to take care of your teeth and keep your hands germ-free.
  • Tour different wards and departments, like Radiology, to see how they help patients.
  • Write a "prescription for happiness" and learn about mental health.
  • Make special sleep packs for patients and discover why good sleep is important for recovery.
  • Complete a fun 15-step challenge on a children’s ward to share your ideas and help design the new hospital!