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PSHE including RSE

(Relationships Education and Relationships and Sex Education)


At Coley Primary School, we believe that a strong PSHE education is important to help our children gain the knowledge, skills and attitudes they need to develop into well-rounded members of society, who can make a positive contribution to their community.

Personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education is an embedded part of our broad and balanced curriculum and takes into account children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development and British Values are promoted throughout our PSHE scheme of work. We believe that children must be provided with a PSHE education that prepares them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life.


Under the new guidance issued by the DfE, as of September 2020, Relationships Education at primary school will be compulsory. We believe that, to be effective, this should be taught within a broader PSHE programmes of study. Relationships education focusses on giving children the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships, and to build their self-efficacy. Health education focusses on equipping children with the knowledge they need to make good decisions about their own health and wellbeing.


The intent of our PSHE curriculum, is to deliver lessons which are accessible to all, and help our children get the most out of the outcomes so that they know more, remember more and understand more. It is strongly tied to our relationships, relationships and sex (RSE), health education and wellbeing programme and promotes the essential foundations needed to enable children to achieve their best, academically and socially and tackle many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up in an ever changing world.


At Coley, the children will be given the vocabulary and support they need to enable them to articulate their feelings. The intention is to promote mental wellbeing and empathy across the whole school and into the community. The children in our school come from a range of family backgrounds and life experiences. We believe it is important to consider children’s starting points, differing levels of knowledge and understanding and build upon these through PSHE. We want our children to learn about rights and responsibilities and appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse society, in terms of race, religion and relationships. We want our children to develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community by learning tolerance, treating each other equally, fairly, with kindness and with mutual respect, preparing them for their future lives. PSHE also encompasses health and wellbeing. At Coley, we will give the children the knowledge to be able to make informed choices with regards to keeping healthy e.g. food and exercise. Our intent is also for our children to stay safe, learn to manage risks and make decisions. In an ever increasing technological world, we also want our children to use online resources safely and know how to get help when they feel unsafe.





Relationship Education and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) is embedded in all curriculum areas including personal, social and health and economic (PSHE) education. For example, some biological aspects of RSE will be taught within the science curriculum. E-safety will be taught within Computing and ICT.


At Coley Primary, we have developed our own scheme of work for Y1 – 6 which incorporates the ‘PSHE Association Programme of Study’ for KS1 and KS2. Not only does it cover the statutory content but also covers economic wellbeing, careers and enterprise education as well as education for personal safety, including assessing and managing risk. It also takes into account the needs of our children and the community/society in which they are growing up.


Our scheme of work is based on three core themes:


Health and Wellbeing

Living in the Wider World


Our long term overview sets out learning opportunities for each year group. Each core theme, is organised into subtopics to ensure core knowledge is sectioned into units of manageable size.  Teaching of PSHE and RSE includes sufficient and well-chosen opportunities and contexts for children to embed new knowledge so that it can be used confidently in real-life situations.


Relationships: Families and friendships; Safe relationships; Respecting ourselves and others

Health and Wellbeing: Physical health and mental wellbeing; growing and changing; Keeping safe

Living in the Wider World: Belonging to a community; Media literacy and digital resilience; Money and work


PSHE education at Coley Primary addresses both children’s current experiences and preparation for their future. Therefore, our long term overview provides a spiral curriculum to develop knowledge, skills and attributes, where prior learning is revisited, reinforced and extended year on year. The curriculum is delivered proactively, such that it addresses issues in a timely way in line with current evidence on children’s physical, emotional and sexual development.


PSHE lessons will be delivered by class teachers or visiting external experts e.g. school nurse. Throughout every year group, appropriate diagrams, videos, books, games and practical activities will be used to assist learning. In the teaching of PSHE and RSE only correct medical terminology will be used. Teachers will ensure that children’s views are listened to and will encourage them to ask questions and engage in discussion. Teachers will answer questions sensitively, honestly and appropriate to the children’s age. Children will also get the opportunity to ask anonymous questions and share any concerns by writing a note or can use the Worry Box on the school website, whether they arise from lessons or from something else.


Children in EYFS develop knowledge, skills and attributes that form a crucial foundation for later teacher of PSHE at KS1. Both curriculums complement each other, providing opportunities for progression throughout the school. The PSHE curriculum in EYFS is largely covered in the ‘Development Matters Framework’ prime area of Personal, Social and Emotional Development covering key concepts and skills around – Making relationships; Self-confidence and self-awareness; Managing feelings and behaviour. Specific areas are also covered, such as, Physical Development – Health and self-care and Understanding the World – People and communities, and supports the teaching of Relationships; Health and Wellbeing along with Living in the Wider World.


We make connections between learning in PSHE and real-life experiences children have encountered or may be likely to. Links are often made between PSHE and other subjects, most notably Science, PE, Computing and RE. We also make connections with wider aspects of school life e.g. Diamond Rules; School Values; School Council; Eco-Warriors; Young Carers; Celebration Assemblies and themed activities such as Anti-bullying; Black History; World Book Day and Comic/Sports Relief.



First and foremost, we want our children to be safe and happy so that they can achieve their personal best in all aspects of school life. Through our PSHE curriculum, we believe that we prepare our children for the next stage in their education as well as preparing them, during this vital stage of their life, for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of an adult world. Our curriculum provides them with a chance to reflect and learn about these crucial elements.


Children will be able:

  • To view themselves positively and be aware of their skills, attributes and achievements.
  • To have respect for themselves and others.
  • To develop positive and healthy relationships with their peers both now and in the future, including on-line relationships and understand their boundaries.
  • To understand how to keep healthy both physically and mentally and know how to keep themselves safe physically, mentally and technologically.
  • To confidently discuss problems and seek help to solve them.
  • To manage risk in their play, friendships, work and also on-line.
  • To demonstrate knowledge and understanding of diversity and equality.
  • To understand their responsibilities as well as their rights. Promoting fairness.
  • To respond positively to change.
  • To understand the physical aspects involved in RSE at an age appropriate level.
  • To manage power positively. They will be able to identify forms of bullying and work proactively to deal with these issues.
  • To demonstrate and apply the British Values of Democracy; Tolerance; Mutual Respect; Rule of Law and Liberty.
  • To have a positive attitude towards their learning and work proactively to meet their goals – be aspirational
  • To demonstrate a healthy outlook towards school – attendance will be in line with national and behaviour will be good.



Long Term Overview

For an overview of what is being covered across the year in each year group, please refer to this document.

Knowledge Organisers

What is a knowledge organiser?

A knowledge organiser is a document, for each year group, that contains the key facts and information that the children need to have a basic knowledge and understanding of in PSHE.

Information for Parents


As a parent/carer you are your child’s first educator and play a vital role in their personal and social development. Therefore, PSHE education should always be a partnership between schools and parents/carers.

As a parent or carer you will already have talked to your child about (or had to support them with) many of the topics and issues covered in PSHE education, so you may also wish to supplement this learning with further discussions of your own.


Sometimes PSHE education conversations with your child will arise incidentally, when you playing or cooking together, when you are watching television or films, or through news stories. In such cases we cannot always control the stimulus for the question or conversation, only how we manage it. Other times, you may wish to initiate a conversation about a topic you feel is important to approach.


Children ask questions, it a sign of a great learner. We want your child to gain accurate, age-appropriate information and feel these useful information leaflets and useful websites are helpful for you to use, at home, with your child to support the PSHE curriculum.

PSHE Parent Feedback

As a school, we are committed to working in partnership with parents and welcome any feedback or comments you may have regarding the PSHE curriculum. If you would like to find out more, then please contact us.