Who's Who in Year 4?
Class Teacher:
Mr Hill
Miss Williams
Mrs Hussain
Mrs Kancha
Other Teachers:
Mrs Kola, Mrs Madireddi and
Miss Sowinski
Hello and welcome to Year 4's Class page! This is the place to find out what we will be learning in Year 4 and we have a lot to look forward to! As a class, we are looking forward to seeing what challenges can be overcome and see how hard you are all going to work.
If you (or your parents) have any questions, get them to email me on: THill@coleyprimary.reading.sch.uk
Important Information
Timings and Expectations
The gates now open at 8:30 and the bell rings for the start of the day at 8:45. Year 4 are expected to line in their register order at their frog. As soon as we make it to class we are to sit in our seats and get registered. If you are registered after 09:00, you will be registered as late and if after 09:30 you will be registered as absent for the morning.
School ends at 3:15pm. We will walk and wait onto the playground to be collected. Make sure that your child comes to a teacher to check before you head off.
We have PE on Wednesday and Thursday. Our Wednesday lesson is indoor, and our Thursday lesson is outdoor PE. Your PE Kit should be named and in a bag which can be kept on your peg. This means that you can get changed at school and we don't lose all of our kit!
Water Bottles and Snacks
It is super important that we don't get dehydrated and drink plenty of water throughout the day. Please bring in your refillable bottles so that you can make sure that we are drinking enough. Please make sure these are labelled!! We have a refillable water station in the classroom so that we can refill our bottles when we need to. If you do forget your bottle, don't worry, we have cups in the class.
We encourage you to bring in a healthy snack for breaktime. We do not allow crisps, chocolate, biscuits or sweets. We would much prefer your child to bring in some fruit, a cereal bar etc. This should be in a separate box from your lunch but will go onto the trolley next to our lunches.
Times tables
Quick recall of the times tables is super important for our maths, especially once we finish year 4 and move on to year 5 and beyond. As the government has recognised this, there is a statutory screening, the Multiplication Tables Check (MTC), which every eligible year 4 child is expected to complete in June (dates TBC).
From gov.uk: "The purpose of the MTC is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It will help schools to identify pupils who have not yet mastered their times tables, so that additional support can be provided."
The MTC consists of 25 questions, alongside 3 practise questions to warm up. Each question only lasts 6 seconds for the child to recall the fact and enter their answer on screen. There is a brief 3-second break between questions. The questions can test your child on any times tables fact up to 12X12.
There are numerous tools available freely online, several have been linked to in the times tables information page above.
The children will be taking daily times tables practise in school, however we do ask that you help to secure their recall knowledge by practising with them at home.
Try not to stress yourself or your child over the check, but look for ways to keep it fun and engaging! Knowing and succeeding in times tables recall can be an easy win and confidence boost for children.
For more information, see the 2022 parent booklet from the government linked above, or see Mr Hill.
Accelerated Reader
Reading is a vital skill for life and we care a lot about progressing children's reading in school.
We use Accelerated Reader as a means of measuring and developing comprehension instead of just word-reading.
Your child will have a ZPD in their reading journal as well as helpful top tips. These will also be posted in a folder at the top of the page. Please refer to these materials if you're unsure of something or ask one of us.
Some children who are on to reading longer books may take a second short book home with them so that they are taking quizzes at school regularly. We aim to complete at least 1 quiz each week so please make sure you are supporting your child in reading at home.
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