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Times Tables

We are now moving to a whole class approach to teaching times tables. Each day there is a 10 minute slot in class.  Research shows that daily explicit practise supports all children in learning their times tables. The approach that we are taking also reduces the number of facts that the children need to learn whilst continuing to develop their understanding of what multiplication and division looks like. 


During this slot a times table is specifically taught to the children - first by introducing images and representations that link to the calculation. Such as bar models and part whole models. 


These images are then linked to the four 'fact family' calculations that can be derived from the models.  This helps to develop the children's understanding of multiplication and division facts, so that they can apply their times table knowledge to solve problems. 


The children then move on to learning the times table in 'step counting' or 'skip counting'. This is where they learn the pattern of the times table and can recite the answers of a times table in order. 


From here the teacher then begins to teach the children the whole 'sound-bite' for each times table fact. To reduce the amount of facts that need to be learnt, we as a school, learn one sound-bite that is linked to all four calculations. 


Each day there is a fact of the day and the teacher explains and demonstrates through models how this sound-bite can help us to answers any of the following questions. 





In this instance the sound-bite would be 'five twos are ten'

The sound-bite is the same every time and the biggest factor is always read first. 



The teacher asks the question and the children reply with the question and response so that they practise the whole sound-bite every time. Below are the example questions and responses that the teacher practises with the children. 


5 x 2 = 

Teacher: Five twos are ...

Children: Five twos are ten. 


2 x 5 = 

Teacher: Five twos are ...

Children: Five twos are ten. 


10 ÷ 2 = 

Teacher: mmm twos are....

Children: Five twos are ten. 


10 ÷ 5 = 

Teacher: Five mmms are...

Children: Five twos are ten. 

