Home Page

Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!

This is the page where you can find out about all the exciting things we will be learning this year. From 'The Ancient Greeks' to 'Scientists and Inventors' and from 'Edible Gardens' to 'Juggling Balls', we will cover a wide variety of topics across the year. 


Class teacher: Miss Pattenden

 Learning Support Assistants: Miss Bryant, Ms B, Mrs Kancha, Miss Williams



Reading is one of our daily routines in school and we encourage the children to read at home as well for a minimum of 20 minutes a day. Each child has their own Accelerated Reader login where they can complete quizzes on the books they have read, so please ask your child questions on their books to improve their comprehension skills.

Below is where you can find out more information about the Accelerated Reader program:



Timings and Expectations

The gates open at 8.30am and the bell rings for the start of the day at 8.45am. Year 3 are expected to line-up at their designated frog, which is the green frog. As soon as we get to class, you are registered. If you arrive after 9.00am, you are registered as late and after 9.30am, you are registered as absent for the morning session.


Please make sure you let the office know if you have an appointment and will be late or will need to be picked up early.


School ends at 3.15pm. We will walk and wait at the designated frog to be collected at the end of the school day.



Every week we should complete the tasks on the homework grid.  Please make sure that you choose 2 spelling activities a week ready for your spelling test on a Friday morning. Also choose one mathematics activity to do each week too ( you can do more!). In addition to this, please complete 3 topic activities each term. All your homework activities can be completed in your homework book.  Don't forget to log on to My Maths too.


Practising your times tables will really help too!



P.E will be on:


  • Friday afternoon (indoor) 
  • Thursday afternoon (outdoor)


Make sure your P.E kits are in school ALL week. Also, make sure your P.E clothes are clearly named.

For indoor P.E, you will need a t-shirt and plain black shorts. For outdoor P.E, you will need trainers, a t-shirt and either shorts or jogging trousers depending on the weather.


Please make sure you bring a healthy snack for mid morning and a drink to keep you hydrated and able to do your best work.


Thank you for your continuing support,

Miss Pattenden

These spelling words are all the common exception words that are typically tricky to spell. By the end of year 4, the children must be able to spell all of these words. By the end of year 3, we aim to spell at least 50% of these correctly.